Helping to Break Stigma

SailorWhen I received the job offer a few weeks ago I thought it over for a few days before excitedly accepting. My new manager arranged that she would send me some paperwork to fill out, and the next week we would meet so I could have a look around one of the branch practices I would be working in.

When I’d quit my previous job a few weeks ago I never expected to land on my feet. My parents were terrified that I had no long term prospects and I was just going to be a temp nurse. Continue reading

Speech For Acceptance Of Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award

Ruby(That’s an inside joke, and as none of you is my father, you won’t get it.)

Thank you all so much for your help in getting Canvas a spot on the blogroll over at A Clown On Fire.  Maybe I can get it together by the end of the week to thank people individually, but right now, I just want to express how grateful I am, generally.  By day two my nerves had frayed almost to their breaking point, and trust me when I tell you that it was not the last time that would happen (specific to the contest).  But thanks to all of your support, the almost never left that equation. Continue reading

The End Is Nigh

RubyThe end of the blogroll contest, I mean.  First things first, thank you all for your tremendous outpouring of support.  You have truly just floored and humbled me with what you have done.  It’s been so amazing to be a part of this process, and I would have lost hope some time ago if not for everyone supporting us.

Today, blessedly, there is less to do, but if you want to hop on over to Blogroll Contest: Last Call, the lovely Sara will give you the lowdown on what you can do to gain some last-minute points for Canvas.  So go skeedaddle over there, it’s your last chance! Continue reading

In Which Ruby’s Nerves Are Shot And Her Head Finally Explodes

RubyThey shouldn’t make people with mental illnesses do Blogroll Contests. . .  Oh wait, no one did, I started into this myself!

And here comes my next plea to you.  Maybe it’s because it’s Saturday, maybe it’s because I’ve been sleep-deprived all week, maybe it’s because I have a ton on my plate and even more on my mind. . .  Strike those, those are pity pleas. Continue reading

Another Um. . . Atypical Post

RubyI know you look to us for the best in mental health, but I hope you will support us these next few days as we write slightly divergent posts as needed.  We’re still working for a spot on the blogroll of A Clown On Fire, which really actually does matter.  His reader base is huge, and we could get some major exposure for this wonderful project.

Today’s challenge is to create a Mad Lib using the template Madame Weebles has laid out, and all of our authors can play, plus readers/fellow bloggers can play for Canvas, if you are so inclined. Continue reading

Not Your Usual Serving Of Canvas

RubyLadies and gentlemen, there is a Blogroll Contest going on over at A Clown On Fire.  Why am I mentioning it?  Because I have just put in a bid for Canvas to be a part of the blogroll, and you can help make that happen.

The results are dependent, you see, on reader comments, most specifically, writing “Like” under the comment I made.  You’ll find it because a) It’s probably one of the longest; and b) A thumbnail sized version of this is beside it: Continue reading