Learning as I go


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I have a tinnitus.

But of course, it is me so it isn’t as simple as that. Mine is bilateral, which is not all that uncommon. But what I hear on one ear is not the same as what I hear on the other. The tones are different and so are the volumes. Which effectively makes it two tinnitusses (tinniti?). Continue reading

Don’t mind me if I do


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After a very emotional week, I am happy to report that today (last night, really) was the first nightmare-free night in what felt like the first time in forever.

I feel like breaking up in song like Anna of Arendelle.

I woke up and it was so weird that at first I couldn’t identify the feeling. It wasn’t until I got off the bed shortly after waking up when it hit me. Continue reading

My life as a Russian Roulette


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When you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, life is one hell of a ride.

But that doesn’t say much, does it, now? There’s hell of a ride and then there’s hell of a ride. The one I’m talking about is the kind that feels like a Russian Roulette. By which I mean Continue reading

Hello 2015


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Yeah, yeah, I know it’s March already. But I was basically incomunicada. For more reasons than one.

But! I finally have internet at home!

So, I’m back…


WordPress looks completely different. It took me a few moments to find my way back to Canvas from my personal blog.

For those of you not familiar with my saga, I am just emerging like a cicada, after three months of the most unreal and not believable crap you can ever think of. In Windsor, Ontario. Continue reading

In loving memory


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As everybody knows by now, the world lost one of its finest. A very human, human being. He was a genius and as it would seem, geniuses are often burdened with mental illness. A brilliant comedian that brought countless hours of laughter and tears to my life and that of many others. He fought addiction and depression all his life. And in the end, he lost the last battle.

Shortly after his death, our very own Cate Reddell shared a petition started by Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman, Founder of SumOfUs.org. She signed it and encouraged the rest of us to sign it as well. Continue reading

My heart weeps


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Hi here. It’s been a while. Let’s me dust a little…

Ah, that’s better.

I haven’t posted or visited anyone’s blogs in weeks (months?). It is no that I have writer’s block. I have SO much to say. But every time I try, the world just choke in my throat so after staring at the empty New Post window, I just close it and go somewhere else.

It is the most bizarre thing.

I am happy. Probably the happiest I’ve ever been. Here in Lansingland, I have a beautiful backyard with a big pond with many geese -I counted 62 at some point, three blue herons, about two dozen mallards and plenty of little birds, including sparrows, robins, swallows and starlings. We even have a resident beaver who is building a dam! Continue reading