Is this what getting better mean?


I am having frequent anxiety attacks.

An entirely new thing to me. I even blogged about it last year. Or maybe it was a comment on someone else’s blog? I don’t remember. But the sentiment was one of gratitude for never having experienced those crippling moments. Continue reading

The tragedy of Mental Illness

SSGI lead a good life.

I have all my needs covered. I have a roof over my head. I have food. I have clothes.

I have the perfect job for me. One that has allowed me to avoid the hell that is fighting the disability board.

It allows me to work from home -on my PJs, mostly playing on social networks. If I’m too tired (not your normal tired but the chronic fatigue kind of tired), I can take a two hour nap in the middle of the day to recharge. Continue reading

Intelligence and Mental Illness: A beautiful Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste


Brilliant mind - depression meme

Scumbag Genetics meme

It has been said that a beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste. And yet, it would seem like every day I live is just one step closer to wasting this mind of mine. Continue reading

Requiem for [yet another] lost friendship

SSGWhen you deal with mental illness, you get used to seeing a lot of people you care for steer away from your life.

Sooner or later, friends and significant others get tired of your moods. And it’s not like I can blame them. I know that it can be very difficult to deal with seeing someone you love (or at least like) going through the difficult patches.

I am also not saying that people should stay in abusive relationships because they know that what’s causing a person to be abusive is his/her mental illness. Continue reading

I am a Human Being

SSGI am just a human being.  I make mistakes like every other human being, and like any other human being, I’m capable of great things.

I’m as perfect and as flawed as any regular human being.

No, scratch that. I am more flawed that your regular human being. Continue reading

It’s all semantics, you say?

SSGI try not to think about my days as a medical doctor too much but sometimes I can’t help it.

That was the case today. My mind drifted back to when I was an intern at the same hospital where I trained as a student. A big third-level referral centre* with the faculties of Medicine, Nursing, Microbiology, Physiotherapy and Nutrition Science  attached to it and the off-campus Ophthalmology and Cardiovascular hospitals a stone throw away. Continue reading