Mental Health Awareness Month


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Two weeks ago, my fiance – it still gives me the giggling butterflies… fiance… fiance… more giggling butterflies…

Anyway, Dandelion Soup dude and I went to a book store on a Sunday afternoon cause nothing makes us happier than books, being the big Library Mice* we both are and all.

Way too soon, we heard the closing announcement on the PA and on our way out the store, we stumbled upon this table:


Mental Health Awareness Month, eh? Cool!

With great delight, we found many excellent books on Mental Health. I haven’t read the Silver Linings Playbook but I did see the movie and I really liked it. You can read my review here. They have books on self-help and books about personal stories. Really cool to see our local bookstore is committed to Mental Health Awareness.


Dandelion Soup dude, a.k.a. the fiance, checking out the books. Can you find Ruby in the picture?

Then I looked at the book the fiance had in his hands, “loving someone with PTSD”. Since I have PTSD, he was very interested in that one. When he put it back on the display table, I realized it was right beside the “loving someone with attention deficit disorder”. Since I have that too, I couldn’t help but have a good chuckle and then take a picture of them:


I am SO easy to love, I even come with instructions

Since the store was closing and all, we didn’t have to get any of them but naturally, we have to go back to the store at some point and get them and maybe a few others too.

Other  than writing this post, I have been too busy being happy to do any thing else regarding Mental Health Awareness Month. But I still have half a month to go, right? We’ll see what else I can come up with 🙂

* I know the English expression is “bookworm” but I much prefer the Spanish one, library mouse (raton de biblioteca).

© Summer Solstice Girl and A Canvas Of The Minds 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Summer Solstice Girl and A Canvas Of The Minds with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

11 thoughts on “Mental Health Awareness Month

  1. I absolutely agree about the “bookworm”. Never liked it. “Library mouse” is much better. And much congratulations to you and Dandelion Soup dude. 8^)

  2. Canvas of the Mind,
    I nominated you for the Sunshine award. Please check out my blog at to see what it is all about! Thank you for being an inspiration for me.

  3. What a great book store… If only this could be a lot more widespread — We’ve got to keep trying to go this way to raise awareness and understanding.

    Hehe, love your chuckles about your fiancé! You make such a cute couple! xx

      • So cute – You still have the butterflies – May they continue on!! Hehe.

        Really awesome – Good for them, the bookstore.. I wonder if any of the staff there experience/d mental health issues and so decided to put the special section up. Great stuff.

  4. Ooh, library mice. I like the sound of that. (Especially because the library here contains furniture made by “mousey” thompson, who carved little mice on to all his pieces.)

    Happy is good. Enjoy the happy, and don’t ever apologise for it!

  5. … giggles…

    I am happy our bookstore is on it, as far as mental health awareness, too. We should thank them – next time we’re in, and next time we’re in to buy those books I was perusing.

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